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27 Aug 2023
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ORIF proximal humerus plate

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Clinical Details

Clinical and radiological findings:  male 49 years old. fall from stairs conminuted fracture

Preoperative Plan

Planning remarks:  1. supine position 2. deltopectoral approach 3. reduction with traction sutures in the rotator cuff and kwire traction in the humeral head 4. fixation with lcp proximal humerus plate

Surgical Discussion

Patient positioning:  supine

Anatomical surgical approach:  deltopectoral

Operative remarks: 

1. supine position

2. deltopectoral approach

3. reduction with traction sutures in the rotator cuff and kwire traction in the humeral head

4. fixation with lcp proximal humerus plate

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  • Peru , Lima
  • Area of Specialty - Shoulder
  • Position - Specialist Consultant
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