Article viewed 664 times

18 Nov 2022
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Triplane 3 part variant 13.5yo M

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Clinical Details

Clinical and radiological findings:  An odd triplanar 3 part variant in a 13.5yo M with fracture and displacement of both the medial and lateral epiphyses - the Salter II metaphseal fragment has remained intact with the lateral epiphysis, the medial epiphysis has separated sagittaly as a Salter type III and displaced posteriorly. There is likely periosteal continuity between the Salter II metaphyseal frgament and the medial malleolus, hence them travelling together. Resembles the 4 part subclassification of the triplanar (pictured) but not quite.

Preoperative Plan

Planning remarks: 

Surgical Discussion

Operative remarks: 

Relatively straight forward procedure. The fracture reduced closed without periosteal interposition. Case by Dr Al Barri

Orthopaedic implants used:   4.0mm cannluated screws

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Dr Ed Oates

  • Germany , Schleswig Holstein
  • Area of Specialty - General Trauma
  • Position - Specialist Consultant
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