Clinical and radiological findings: A 49-year-old man suffers a work-related accident resulting in a fall on his left shoulder. Initially evaluated in the emergency room with x-rays, a two-part displaced varus fracture of the proximal humerus is diagnosed. Initial conservative treatment, referred after 6 weeks due to persistent pain. Tomography indicates greater displacement with a posterior fragment at the level of the infraspinatus insertion and signs of incipient consolidation in the medial region.
Planning remarks: A deltopectoral surgical approach is planned to allow mobilization of the fractured fragments. The use of an osteotome to break the bone callus and sutures in the rotator cuff to facilitate mobilization and reduction of the fracture are considered.
Patient positioning: supine
Anatomical surgical approach: Deltopectoral approach starting at the lateral edge of the pectoralis major muscle, extending distally in line with the arm. Subcutaneous dissection is performed and the interval between the deltoid and pectoralis major is identified, preserving the cephalic vein
Operative remarks:During the operation, an osteotome was used to break the formed bone callus, allowing mobilization of the fractured fragments. Sutures were applied to the rotator cuff to facilitate this mobilization. Although complete anatomic reduction was not achieved due to the subacute nature of the injury, complete medial contact was achieved and the varus was corrected. The use of bone graft was not necessary.
Postoperative protocol: No especificado.
Follow up: At 3 months postoperatively, fracture consolidation with good functional outcome was observed.
Orthopaedic implants used: No especificado.
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18 Mar 2024
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LUIS LEONCIO TEMOCHE DIAZ. (2024). Subacute Displaced Proximal Humerus Fracture in Varus. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. Case Report 10579976 Published Online Mar 18 2024.