Clinical and radiological findings: A 30-year-old female presented after an electric scooter accident with a functional bimalleolar ankle fracture. Clinical examination revealed medial clear space widening indicative of deltoid ligament injury and widening in the distal tibiofibular space, suggesting syndesmotic injury. No neurovascular deficits were noted.
Planning remarks: The preoperative plan included open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of the bimalleolar fracture using a fibular nail for lateral malleolus stabilization and suture buttons for syndesmotic fixation. The torn deltoid ligament was to be repaired using suture anchors.
Patient positioning: The patient was positioned supine on the operating table with a bump under the ipsilateral hip to facilitate external rotation of the leg.
Anatomical surgical approach: For the lateral malleolus, a lateral approach was utilized, beginning just distal to the tip of the lateral malleolus and extending proximally along the fibula. For deltoid ligament repair, a medial approach was made, starting just anterior to the medial malleolus and extending distally towards the navicular tuberosity. The syndesmotic injury was addressed through the lateral incision.
Operative remarks:Intraoperatively, after anatomical reduction of the fibula, the FibuLock fibular nail was inserted following manufacturer's guidelines. Syndesmotic fixation was achieved using TightRope XP suture buttons, ensuring proper tension to restore the distal tibiofibular relationship. The torn deltoid ligament was meticulously repaired using FiberTak suture anchors, ensuring anatomical approximation of the ligament ends.
Postoperative protocol: Postoperative rehabilitation protocol included non-weight bearing for the first 6 weeks followed by gradual progression to full weight bearing as tolerated over the next 4 weeks. Range of motion exercises were initiated early in the postoperative period under physiotherapist guidance.
Follow up: Not specified
Orthopaedic implants used: Arthrex FibuLock fibular nail, TightRope XP suture buttons, FiberTak suture anchors. Case originally posted on linkedIn by
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12 Mar 2024
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LinkedIn. (2024). Functional Bimalleolar Ankle Fracture with Syndesmotic Injury and Deltoid Ligament Repair. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. Case Report 11627394 Published Online Mar 12 2024.