Clinical and radiological findings: 17 year old boy with recurrent patella disloacation. Underwent MPFL-Recon and Tuberositas Tibia transfer due to increased TT-TG. Fell while running on a threadmill 6 months after surgery when his unoperated patella dislocated. Sustained a tibia fracture close to the distal screw of the osteotomy.
Planning remarks: Open reduction and plate fixation
Mini-invasive plate osteosynthesis with sctrew fixation via stab incisions. Good axis verified peroperatively by Image Intensifier.
The images show the 3 month follow up after the primary Tub transfer surgery (no issues at that time). The acute fracture aftre the fall on th ethreadmill 6 months after surgery. Post op images after the plate ORIF and one year follow-up showing uneventful healing. The patient has later undergone MPFL-R and Tub transfer on the contralateral knee. Final image is a suggesion from Dr Vandekerckhove on how to avoid such stress risers that caused this complication.
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01 Mar 2023
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Per-Henrik Randsborg. (2023). Tibial shaft fracture after tibial tubercle transfer. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. Case Report 11687118 Published Online Mar 01 2023.