Clinical and radiological findings: The radius fracture was previously treated by another surgeon. The patient came with typical symptoms of ulnocarpal impaction syndrome.
Planning remarks: I use a procedure developed by Andreas Schweizer that creates 3D guides based on a fracture analysis of the contralateral side. The company is called Medacta and is based in Switzerland. You can get the planning software for free, calculate everything yourself, and then just have the guides made. Alternatively, you can send the CTs of both sides to the company, indicate which implant you want to use, and the company will make a suggestion. They even do distraction guides. The procedure is especially interesting for intra-articular corrections, because the guides also indicate the correction line. You can find the company's website here:
See images. Operating surgeon credit: Dr. Sebastian K. from Switzerland
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11 Apr 2023
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W.O. Wrist. (2023). Corrective osteotomy using 3D planning and saw guide. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. Case Report 12980503 Published Online Apr 11 2023.