Clinical and radiological findings: 22 years old - traffic accident - exposed tibia fracture. Initial extra-institutional management with OSTEOSINTHESIS with a fibula plate and damage control in the tibia - poor evolution of soft tissues - infection of soft and bone tissues - joint destruction
Planning remarks: Reconstruction in stages
Removal of material - Oncological debridement - TPN - Cement pearls with Antibiotic. Replenishment of fixer away from coverage defect. Acute shortening in Ilizarov external fixation deformity. Correction of progressive deformity - lengthening of soft tissues. Replacement of external fixator - ILIZAROV - bifocal OSTEOTOMY - bone lengthening and transport for purposes of warm distal ARTHRODESIS. Conversion to antibiotic release tibia nail after cleaning the medullary canal with the RIA system. Non-union in the distal tibia area of ARTHRODESIS. Removal of material - Cleaning and stimulation of non-union with morphogenetic protein - Fixation with ARTRODESIS nail.
Orthopaedic implants used: Reconstruction and salvage of limbs Bone elongation Bone infections - Cel 3162908676
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19 Feb 2023
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Perez Casado, J.J.. (2023). Staged debridement, transport and nailing of an open distal tibia with critical bone defect. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. Case Report 14350955 Published Online Feb 19 2023.