Article viewed 446 times

28 Mar 2023
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Subacute humerus shaft fracture with brachial artery injury

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Clinical Details

Clinical and radiological findings:  1 .5 month humeral shaft fracture granulated wound on the dorsum of the forearm neurovascular examination was not optimal as the patient was mentally retarded

Preoperative Plan

Planning remarks:  lateral approach and dcp fixation

Surgical Discussion

Patient positioning:  supin

Anatomical surgical approach:  lateral approach

Operative remarks: 

It was seen that the intraoperative brachial artery was crushed by the callus because it was a delayed case(CT scan shows callus).capillary circulation in the hand was delayed. No flow was detected in the brachial artery with Doppler.

Anastomosis was performed with the saphenous vein

We should have understood beforehand that there may be an arterial injury due to the non-healing wound on the dorsal hand and the purple hand.

Preoperative physical examination is important

Postoperative protocol:   velpeau bandage

Orthopaedic implants used:   4.5 narrow dcp

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  • Turkey , türkiye
  • Area of Specialty -
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