Clinical and radiological findings: 91yo F post domestic low energy fall. Type 2 prox Olecranon Fracture (avulsion) with Dubberly 2B capitellar fracture, bony humeral LCL avulsion, ulnar MCL bony avulsion
Planning remarks: Coming
Patient positioning: Supine
Anatomical surgical approach: Dorsal approach, radial paraolecranon ito Boyds.
Operative remarks:Ghost bone, but plating didnt immediately fail. Triceps was suture augmented with 4 strand Krackow. more words coming.
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16 Feb 2023
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Oates, E.J. (2023). Transolecranon Dubberly 2B fracture dislocation. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. Case Report 27190398 Published Online Feb 16 2023.