Clinical and radiological findings: 41yo male, moderate energy work injury
Planning remarks: blank
Started medial, supine figure of 4,straight onto medial mal, found proximal end of the fracture and followed it distally around the back. Distracted it and fished TP out. Closed and wired it. Opened MPM and clamped the back, few more wires. Back to side, lag screws than antiglide. Reposition, went anterolateral, but if stuffing about reducing it, then lagers through to the back picking up post mal fragment. Another antiglide, then pulled the wires out and tadaaa…the flowers are still standing
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17 Sep 2023
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Oates, E.J. (2023). Comminuted plafond / ankle fracture dislocation with tibialis posterior entrapment. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. Case Report 40533283 Published Online Sep 17 2023.