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20 Dec 2022
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Simple SER Weber B fibula fracture

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Clinical Details

Clinical and radiological findings:  This is a simple supination external rotation injury sustained by a young male during sporting activity. The mechanism has resulted in a Weber B trans syndesmosal fibula fracture and deltoid ligament strain / partial rupture. The indication for surgical fixation is based on a lateralization of the joint mortise and widening of the medial joint space. The preoperative AP radiograph may suggest syndesmosis widening however this can later be seen to be projection artefact.

Preoperative Plan

Planning remarks: 

Surgical Discussion

Operative remarks: 

The operation was done supine on a radio translucent operating table. A limited longitudinal lateral incision provided direct access to the fracture site. Reduction and temporary fixation using blunt bone reduction forceps allowed anatomical reduction of the fracture and fluoroscopic demonstration of the joint mortise which was anatomically restored. Direct visualisation of the anterior syndesmosis fibres demonstrated no rupture and dynamic testing demonstrated no instability. Definitive fixation was done with classical lag screw fracture compression with a secondary neutralisation plate. There was no indication of medial laxity intraoperatively. We did not surgically address the medial side. This patient will be managed full weight bearing in an ankle orthosis for 6 weeks.

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Dr Ed Oates

  • Germany , Schleswig Holstein
  • Area of Specialty - General Trauma
  • Position - Specialist Consultant
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