Clinical and radiological findings: 16-year-old female patient with gunshot wound .radial nerve injury 1 mounth ago external fixator was performed in an external center and there is an open wound
Planning remarks:
An incision was made including the open wound of the patient. The ulnar and radial nerves were explored. It was observed that the radial nerve was damaged.
fixation was done with double plate. The radial nerve endings were renewed and the primary was repaired. The skin defect was debrided and the primary was closed.
The radial nerve was repaired with 7.0 prolene suture and strengthened with tisseel.
Orthopaedic implants used: double plate and radial nerve repaire
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15 Nov 2022
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Seçkin Doğan. (2022). Distal humerus gunshot injury. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. Case Report 43201069 Published Online Nov 15 2022.