Article viewed 477 times

08 Aug 2023
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Scaphoidectomy and four corner arthrodesis

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Clinical Details

Clinical and radiological findings:  This patient had a prior scaphoid ORIF, SL and LT repair that subsequently went onto failure and VISI deformity. They presented for reconstructive options.

Preoperative Plan

Planning remarks:  Procedure performed - scaphoidectomy and 4 corner arthrodesis with Arthrex FT compression snap off pins

Surgical Discussion

Operative remarks: 

Intra-operatively there were arthritic changes noted within the scaphocapitate articulation. Radiolunate was preserved. Following scaphoidectomy, the lunate was reducible following removal of a dorsal osteophyte. Original post on LInkedIn by Devin Collins, DODevin Collins, DO. Orthopedic Surgeon- Hand and Upper ExtremityOrthopedic Surgeon- Hand and Upper Extremity

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  • United States ,
  • Area of Specialty - General Trauma
  • Position - Other Speciality
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