Clinical and radiological findings: 40 years falling from high, type 1 open fracture nvm normal
Planning remarks: debridman posterior approach with chevron osteotomy radial and ulnar column plate fixation
Patient positioning: lateral dekübitis
Anatomical surgical approach: posterior approach, chevron osteotomy
Operative remarks:posterior approach, chevron osteotomy plate fixation ,post op nvm normal
The olecranon osteotomy may be repaired using a precontoured olecranon plate.
The osteotomy in the olecranon is very important. In this case, an incision was made over the guide and the osteotomy line is almost invisible on the post-operative radiograph.
post op 3. week rom full
Postoperative protocol: The arm is bandaged, no cast active and passive movement one day after surgery
Orthopaedic implants used: double plate,acutrack,mini plate,olecranon plate
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28 Mar 2023
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Seçkin Doğan. (2023). Distal humerus type 1 open fracture. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. Case Report 6496441 Published Online Mar 28 2023.