Catalogue Sub Index

Femur - PCCF 3x-EMD

Browse published Cases below

Feb 16 2024 By Dr Ed Oates

Pediatric Femoral Shaft Fracture Managed...

  • Germany, Schleswig Holstein
  • Paediatric - PCCF
  • No Peer Review Score

Aug 24 2023 By Dr Ed Oates

Femroal spiral fracture in a 4yo - TENS

  • Germany, Schleswig Holstein
  • Paediatric - PCCF
  • No Peer Review Score

Jun 30 2023 By Dr Ed Oates

Supracondylar femur fracture in an 11yo

  • Germany, Schleswig Holstein
  • Paediatric - PCCF
  • No Peer Review Score

Jun 13 2023 By Dr Ed Oates

SCFE - longitudinal images over 6 years:...

  • Germany, Schleswig Holstein
  • Paediatric - PCCF
  • No Peer Review Score

May 18 2023 By Dr Ed Oates

Femoral diaphyseal spiral fracture in 22...

  • Germany, Schleswig Holstein
  • Paediatric - PCCF
  • No Peer Review Score

Jul 22 2022 By Dr Ed Oates

SCFE - Grade I - closed reduction and MI...

  • Germany, Schleswig Holstein
  • Paediatric - PCCF
  • No Peer Review Score

Mar 20 2021 By Dr Ed Oates

ECMES vs femur - its a long way to the t...

  • Germany, Schleswig Holstein
  • Paediatric - PCCF
  • No Peer Review Score