Time to go live!




Time to go live!

Exactly 2 years ago today we sat down at a computer and made the first few pieces that formed the first elements of this site - and today and I am excited to say the platform has finally reached a level of developmental maturity and functionality that it’s time to set it free and openly encourage users to discover and explore what it is we've created. Evidently there is far more involved in designing and building a modern platform with a smooth user interface then I first anticipated. The standards set by other sites make for high end-user expectations - pleasant usability and intuitive interface are difficult to achieve, and as a part-time project it’s taking considerable hours to bring the site to this stage of development - and it’s with cautious excitement that I now look forward to inviting new users to explore the platform. I hope you find the features that we've created a) of interest and clinical relevance, but also b) I hope hope you can see the benefit of uploading your own work - to catalogue, save, retrieve, but also to share, inspire, and tech.


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